Make your models more visible on a platform that is dedicated to 3d printable miniatures.

Join us before launch

Values described

We help you to reach your customers with our marketing efforts
Do not lose your customer forever! If you share new 3d models, then every release is a new chance to bring your customers back.
A new platform which is only dedicated to 3d printable miniatures.
The system will give change its users to try your models with our multiple unlock system, so you will have chance to show your power and quality every month.
The Arenpi team is dedicated to 3d printable miniatures which understands the value your work.
Don’t miss our launch , so you can take the advantage of launch and create early market for yourselves.
Join us before launch
How our subscription system works for designers?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to become a designer?

You may contact to our team through designer page. We will immediately reply and help your onboarding.

Can i share a design on anything that can be 3d printed?

You may contact to our team through designer page. We will immediately reply and help your onboarding.

Designer Revenue Share Overview

You may contact to our team through designer page. We will immediately reply and help your onboarding.

Zanzip Haggleprint

Welcomes you!

He is waiting for you to join his miniature bazaar.